Saturday, August 23, 2008

Man being inherently evil, aggressive and a natural killer is true

That is according to the basic Judeo-Christian ideology. Hey man, that’s why we have the concept of salvation. Otherwise, there will be no reason to pay for the indulgences.

Thanks to the recent examination done by Robert W. Sussman, professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis and Donna L. Hart on the fossil and living non-human primate
evidence, that is proven otherwise. The research on specific specie, Australopithecus afarensis, which lived between five million and two and a half million years ago, concluded that this very well-represented specie in the fossil record was not a hardcore hunter.

With height of 3 to 5 feet weighing 60-100lbs always at the edgy corner, how did this smallish bipedal primates survive the hyenas as big as bears, the saber-toothed cats and many other mega-sized carnivores, reptiles and raptors? With denture relatively the same as modern human and no tools nor fire, how can they hunt a meat prey and eat it? So they became the prey as proven by teeth marks on their bones, talon marks on their skulls and holes in a fossil cranium into which saber-tooth cat fangs fit.

How then did we evolve from them if they never survived?

Australopithecus afarensis used his brain, his agility and his social skills to get away from these predators. "He wasn’t hunting them," says Sussman. "He was avoiding them at all costs."

"Our intelligence, cooperation and many other features we have as modern humans developed from our attempts to out-smart the predator," added Sussman.

Living in groups, as the main defense against predator by physically defenseless prey, taught them cooperation and socialization. As modern human, we owe to them the lesson that it is not always might and fight, but we evolved from flight and tribe 

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