Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Software to secure a robbler-free laptop

If you are a thief to choose between locked or secured laptop and a bare one, what would you choose?

There's no way to delude those burglar but to show them that they are locked. Amazon offers variety of laptop locks ranging from $12 to $400.

But since I'm talking about software, listed below are software you can use with corresponding links

1. Laptop Alarm for Windows user will sound an alarm whenever anyone unplugs the power cable, the mouse is moved or unplugged, or the laptop is shut down.

2. iAlertU or Lockdown (original post). (Lockdown is based on the open-source iAlertU.) It arms and disarms both applications car-alarm style with Apple Remote, and both use the motion detection system in any newer MacBook to set off the alarm if someone moves the laptop. The alarm also sounds with any movement of the mouse, keyboard activity, and more. Whenever the alarm is triggered, MacBook's iSight camera snaps a picture and can send it to any email address.

3. On Windows, a free tool like Yawcam to turn webcam into a motion-sensing security camera that can back up pictures it snaps to an FTP server.

4. Gawker, a killer open-source time-lapse application. Guide to using Gawker.

Now, in case that you find it more challenging tracking the stolen laptop, the following offers a heart-pounding chase

1. Adeona is an open source application designed to help track a stolen laptop by gathering information like IP addresses and access point information (like the name of the hotspot the laptop is connected to). As an added bonus for Mac users, Adeona can also snap photos with your iSight whenever it tracks the thief's location and upload that photo as well—a killer option for getting several pictures of the thief and possibly some information to determine where he/she is using your laptop.

2. Protecting hard drive by encrypting it will someone ease the lost of laptop. Encrypt drive with TrueCrypt, a free and cross-platform encryption tool that protects data in case of theft.

3. Using the DynDNS web service as a LoJack can be used if there include remote services on your computer (like SSH, VNC, or even an FTP server) to connect to your computer anywhere and back up or delete important files.

4. iHound works as laptop tracking and recovery tools with passwords.txt file on USB drive's root directory that uploads information like IP addresses when the thief opens that file.

Get started and secure those precious possession.

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