Friday, November 05, 2004

Comfortable Myths

Faith, according to Ms. Florita Andolong (Manila Standard 6/28/05), is
the acceptance of God’s incomprehensible power and
wisdom. Attacks on God’s impotence to make his power
understandable to men is, according to her, dragging
the name of God in a “fray.” As if dispute is a myth
among all the followers of the inspired author of the
Bible. Also, asking God - known to be indubitable that
he knows the past, the present and the future, to
change his mind in prayer, is an insult to his power.

Since, we have not ceased including God in every human
state of affairs – prayer rallies, prayer before meal,
statues of Jesus with Mary in hospitals, schools,
police precincts, and government offices. I ask where
was God during natural calamity in the times of
primitive people? He sent those earthquakes, typhoons
and tsunami to show his rage. Where was God when
thousands of Jew died in genocide? He backed up a
Catholic Hitler in cahoots with the Vatican power.
Where was God hiding when innocent street children are
dying in subhuman condition? He is supporting the
Catholic Church professing FREE WILL to influence the
women to practice ONLY natural method of family
planning. Indeed, faith also taught us to evoke
everything good originated from God and forget that
God created everything, even evil.

To her question on the origin of men, the explanation
of mind, instincts, emotion, and soul, I am honest
enough to admit that I know so little of those stuffs.
However, my ignorance and others’ ignorance does not
justify God as an answer to all those questions. I
think we should look into the sciences for the

“There is something feeble, and a little contemptible,
about a man who cannot face the perils of life without
the help of comfortable myth,” says Bertrand Russell.
That is to remind us to be “Intelligent Masters”.
Humanity’s scientific approach and technological
findings have improved the quality of life: Weather
Forecasting against God sending calamity to inform
human of his anger, medicine against casting out of
demon possession. Where religions’ faith and beliefs
have only offered us the Crusades, Dark Ages,
overpopulation, heaven and hell, in addition to
depriving humans to experience the pleasures in life,
and indeed, the joys and development of free thought.

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