Thursday, May 08, 2008

On Sexuality

“Civilization came through two things chiefly: the home, which developed those social dispositions that form the psychological cement of society; and agriculture, which took man from his wandering life as hunter, herder, and killer, and settled him long enough in one place to let him build homes, schools, churches, colleges, universities, civilization. But it was woman who gave man agriculture and the home; she domesticated man as she had domesticated the sheep and the pig. Man is woman’s last domestic animal, and perhaps he is the last creature that will be civilized by woman. The task is just begun” - Will Durant

I’m proud to be a woman. History unfolds that there is more than the issues of role in the sexuality. Patriarchy is an insult to the contribution of women in the development of the civilization both during the primitive and modern times. Sexuality is about the cooperative effort in perpetuating the legacy of civilization, in preserving the humanity and in propagating the idea that sexuality is the means and not the end.

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